Even if you brush your teeth twice a day and floss regularly, there is still a chance that you will get yellow teeth. There are several reasons for this, but there are ways that you can prevent or remove the yellowing. Here are some things you should know to help make your teeth sparkle.

Lifestyle Choices

Your teeth can turn yellow because of many reasons. Some of them are lifestyle choices, which you can easily avoid if you’re worried about staining your pearly whites. One main factor as to why teeth become yellow is that some foods stain your teeth. The general rule to follow is if the food can stain your clothes, it can also stain your teeth.

If you want to keep your teeth white, try avoiding dark-colored beverages and foods. Some of these foods could include coffee, red wine, and dark sauces, such as soy sauce, spaghetti sauce, and balsamic vinegar. Fruits and vegetables that are likely to stain your teeth include brightly colored ones like blueberries, pomegranates, and beets. Acidic foods can also contribute to tooth staining because the enamel becomes eroded, which makes it easier for pigments to attach to the tooth.

In addition to food, other factors that promote tooth staining include smoking cigarettes and not using proper dental hygiene. On the other hand, excessive exposure to fluoride can also cause yellow teeth, so make sure you don’t overdo it on the cleaning.

Outside Factors

There are other factors that can contribute to yellow teeth, but they tend to be more out of your control. As you age, your enamel will begin to break down, making it more likely that your teeth will start to yellow. Your teeth may also be yellow due to your genetics, as some people have thicker or more porous enamel than others.

Illness or certain medications may also contribute to yellowing teeth. Chemotherapy at the neck or head can also have the side effect of yellowing your teeth.

Types of Staining

While many factors can affect tooth staining, there are two types of staining: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic staining occurs on the surface of the enamel and typically occurs due to the lifestyle choices you make or the food and drinks you consume. The extrinsic staining that occurs on teeth is mostly cosmetic and can usually be removed.

Intrinsic staining occurs inside the tooth structure, which makes the stains more difficult to remove. Intrinsic stains are usually caused by outside factors, like medication, chemotherapy, prescription mouthwash, and excessive fluoride use.

Whether you have extrinsic or intrinsic staining, it doesn’t mean your teeth aren’t healthy. It’s just a result of the factors that are being applied to your teeth. White teeth aren’t an automatic sign of healthy teeth, but they can still make you feel self-conscious.

Ways to Whiten Teeth

There are many ways to whiten teeth. You can choose to have a professional do it, or you can do it at home. Make sure you speak to a dentist before you begin a whitening regimen, so you know what to do for the best results for your teeth.

If you choose to have a dentist do it, many dentists provide teeth-whitening services that will leave you with a nice, white smile. The treatment typically uses a bleaching agent on your teeth, and they may use special lights and lasers to enhance the performance of the bleach. You may need to have the treatment done a few times before you reach the color you want, and treatments typically last between 30 minutes and an hour.

If you prefer trying to whiten your teeth at home first, there are several methods you can try. Using an electric toothbrush helps to remove stains as it breaks up the film on your teeth. You can also use a whitening toothpaste that can help remove stains on your teeth. If you can, use toothpaste with a creamy texture that contains citroxain or activated charcoal. However, make sure you use them in moderation. It is a good idea to talk to your dentist before using these types of toothpaste.

Another option to try is boosting your toothpaste at home. By adding a little baking soda to your toothpaste, you can create a natural teeth whitener. The baking soda works to remove stains and also removes plaque more effectively than non-baking soda toothpaste.

Finally, there is the option of using whitening strips. These strips are easy to purchase at a drug store and can be an easy way to whiten your teeth. Using these strips can be a little riskier when it comes to side effects, as you can cause gum irritation and tooth sensitivity if you overuse the products. The key is to make sure they aren’t touching your gums when you use them.

Prevention is the best way to keep your teeth white. Be sure to watch what you eat and avoid smoking. Keep up with your dental hygiene by brushing twice a day and flossing regularly. If you need to whiten, talk to your dentist, and make sure you are careful by using the products as recommended.